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by a Maritime Lawyer

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Your Personal Injury Toolkit

The Company Says I Don’t Need a Lawyer — What Now?

Settlements offered without legal representation are often significantly below fair value.

That’s why maritime employers and their insurers are sometimes quick to say, “You don’t need a lawyer.” No wonder – the less they pay you, the less it costs them.

Our initial consultation is free – no obligation, no cost. Many questions can be answered in just a few minutes, either over the phone or by email.

What is There to Lose?

There could be a lot to lose, such as long-term medical care, money for yourself and your family, loss of a job, costs of retraining, and loss of fair payment for your claim.

Injury At Sea’s experienced maritime injury attorneys are here for you – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By phone, or confidential email, we will promptly respond to any reasonable inquiry.

So, if the company says you don’t need a lawyer, ask yourself: is it worth the cost – nothing – to find out?

Concepts of justice and lawyers discuss contract paperwork with brass scales on a table with a judge's hammer placed in front of lawyers in the office. Legal, advice, justice, and conceptual services.

It’s our name. It’s our business. It’s what we do. 

We’re here for you 24/7.

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